Larry has been using HOLOFIT VR rowing for around 6 months during which he’s managed to completely transform his fitness and health, and get back into shape. He wanted to share his story.

NOTE: Scroll down to watch his video.


Hi, I’m Larry.

I’m sitting in my home in North Carolina, on my Concept 2 rowing machine which I’ve come to adore. It’s a really great piece of equipment, and I want to talk about my experience with HOLOFIT.

Fitness has always been rather easy for me, mainly because I ignored it.

I was very active as a young boy and I was into cycling of speed skating, I played a lot of football through college, played baseball. 

In my early 20s I got married and the weight started coming on and on, and then kids came and fitness took a back seat to everything else, although I  would always manage to run a little, bike a little, and try to stay active.

The problem is life got in the way.

The reason I got into rowing is I wanted a more full-body experience so I bought a Concept 2 rowing machine. 

I liked it and used it occasionally, but the problem I had is it’s rather boring sitting, looking at the monitor – how many more meters I have to go and how much more time.

 That’s why I looked around and I discovered HOLOFIT. I tried it as I actually had an Oculus Rift.

It’s tethered to my computer which is the only shortfall and I would recommend an Oculus Quest that’s not tethered as it makes it a little easier to use.

I got a HOLOFIT about six months ago and so far I’ve put on about 500 000 meters on my rower. I’ve lost uh over 30 pounds and I’m in great aerobic shape. My resting heartbeat is under 58 and the doctor thinks I’m in great shape. 

It’s a great piece of technology. You’re totally immersed within the system.

My friends come over and they all want to try it. So they sit down and it’s like being in a video game, right in the middle. 

It just keeps you motivated… A lot of different places you can go, the music is wonderful, although sometimes I turn the internal music off, and I listen to my own music but it’s great.

 I’ll sit down, put on 5 000 meters and I think nothing happened and go back the next day and do it again.

I generally use HOLOFIT two to three times a week and I just love it every chance I get.

I would recommend it highly to anybody who wants to have a unique, immersive experience.

Stay well and stay safe and try HOLOFIT.


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