MyHOLOFIT Story: How I Improved My Rowing & Improved My Health with HOLOFIT VR Rowing

If you’ve researched HOLOFIT, you definitely know Sylvain. He’s been one of the most active members of HOLOFIT ever since the beginning. In that time, he’s achieved great results, improved his fitness, and fixed his health issues. This is his story.

NOTE: Scroll down if you’d rather watch his video. The video is in French, but English subtitles are available.


Hello. I am Sylvain Davril. I live close to Paris and I will tell you today about Holodia.

Like many,  starting in my 40’s  I saw my weight increase, I saw my blood pressure increase and I asked myself the question of how to reverse this curve. 

I have had for a very long time a Concept 2 Model D rower, but I was a very slow rower with a lot of irregularities in my training, so it did not produce lots of results. I just couldn’t reach this point where I trained enough so that rowing becomes a pleasure.

Rowing has always been a constraint. It has always been done in pain. 

Then, I stumbled upon Holodia by chance because I’m a bit of a gamer.

Holodia offers VR software that will connect to the rower,  that will interact with the rower, retrieve all information from it and project you in virtual environments in which you will row. For example, you can row in the tropics, in Babylon, underwater, in Paris,  Aiguebelette, on Saturn. 

There are environments also a bit fantastic. Moreover, there are a dozen environments and there are new ones added regularly. All this transformed rowing from a big constraint to a game.

Thanks to Holofit, I rowed a lot more often. I went from irregular workouts until I rowed every day during the lockdown, which was a good way to lighten to mood. I rowed longer. I was going from a workout from 20, 30 minutes to an hour or more. I was even able to do a half marathon not so long ago.

My performance has also increased. The pace at which I row is much more important and I am spending a lot more kilocalories. It allowed me to reach this regularity that was impossible for me to have before and transform this rowing experience into a real pleasure, into a moment of play that I am happy to find every day.

Today it’s incorporated into my routine. I practice sports every day. On the first day, I run. On the second day, I swim, and on the third day, I row. 

HOLOFIT allowed me to get back in shape and have that type of routine.

As a result, my weight has dropped sharply and my blood pressure has also dropped sharply. So thank you Holodia for helping me to get back in shape.


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2022-08-19T16:18:02+02:00September 25th, 2020|Community|
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